Advanced Office Manager

Advanced Office Manager Certificate – Starting October 2, 2023

Course Overview 

Expand your professionalism and develop your career. Build on your abilities and keep your boss and team functioning as efficiently as possible. Bring to the sessions your challenges and with other delegates and course instructor you will find solutions

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this certificate, participants will be able to:

  • How to build your managerial skills and abilities
  • Bring out the best in yourself and others
  • Practice prioritizing and scheduling
  • Keep your boss and your team functioning efficiently
  • Build a professional image
  • Master communication skills and be more influential
  • Handle conflict in the workplace
  • Write action plan and proposals
  • Enhance your job & be satisfied

Target Audience

All administrative, office managers, executive secretaries and coordinators

Course Duration

124 hours

Training Modality


Assessment Strategy

  • Discussions, group assessment, group & individual exercises, assignments and formal end of certificate exam

Course Language

Material in English / Lectures in both English & Arabic.

Module I: Introductory Session (who are support staff?)

  • Definition, types & importance of support staff
  • Difference between:

               – Secretary

               – Personal assistant

               – Executive secretary

               – Office manager

               – Department manager

               – Administrative coordinator

  • Attributes that managers expect in secretaries

Module II: Planning & organizing a smooth-running office

Taking control of your work life:

  • Tools & concepts of time management for yourself & your manager:

                          – A master plan to keep your boss’ calendar up-to-date (The first three generations)

                          – The fourth generation of time management.

  • Working smarter rather than harder
  • The most effective way to say “No”

Module III: Support Functions (Technical skills)

Part I: Filing Strategies and Techniques:

  • Choosing the best filing system for your organization needs according to international standards:
  • Filing Systems
  • Filing Procedure
  • Most updated filing systems and solutions
  • Tips for successful filing

Part II: Managing the flow of office Information

  • Incoming correspondence:

                  – New methods & techniques for handling incoming mail 

                  – Tips to eliminate time wasters when handling incoming mail

  • Outgoing correspondence:

Writing letters, Memorandums and E-Mails:

   o Business writing Skills

       > Preparing yourself for writing

  • Coping with writing anxiety
  • Startup strategies
  • Tone in business writing

        > Effective business writing skills

  • Types of readers
  • Principles of good writing
  •     The “You” attitude
                   > Editing & Revision (the four Cs)
                     • Complete & correct
                     • Concise
                     • Clear
                     • Business Documents (letters-memos):
                       ◊ Types, samples, techniques and applications
                     • E mail Versus letters & memos
                       ◊ E mail etiquette
                     • New internet- world etiquette
                       ◊ Practice correct social media standards of etiquette to maintain your image at work.

Part III: Managing meetings preparation effectively

  • Planning and organizing a business meeting from start to finish
  • Writing meeting minutes applying updated modern standards

Part IV: Managing business trips preparation effectively

  • Planning an executive›s business trip from start to finish

                     – Coordinating travel arrangements

                     – All necessary tips for successful arrangements

Part V: Handling External & Internal Customers

Handling visitors professionally (external customers)

  • Meeting & greeting the customer & the visitor according to professional standards:
  1. Customer focus:

    > Perception of customer

    > First impression

    > The three” E”s impressing a customer

    > Breaking Barriers

  1. Handling a complaining customer


Establishing and maintaining good working relationships with co- workers (internal customers)

  • Types of co-workers
  • Win- win for resolving conflicts

Part VI: Professional Telephone Manner

  • Telephone Etiquette
  • Becoming a super service provider on the phone
  • Dealing with tough and difficult phone callers

Module IV: Effective Communication utilizing Business Etiquette & Listening

  • Communication:

               – Communication definition

               – The communication process

               – Barriers that hinder effective communication

               – Effective communication utilizing Etiquette

                 o Verbal

                 o Vocal

                 o Visual

                 o Business attire & professional Look as a part of the visual effect

           – How to make presentations with confidence and power utilizing effective communication

  • Listening

           – Consequences when we don’t listen

           – Bad listeners

           – Effective listening techniques

           – Listening Actively

Module V: Self-empowerment & self-management

  • Understanding stress:

     – Identifying stress

     – Causes of stress

    – Coping with stress

    – Making your office user friendly & efficient

  • The essential skills of emotional intelligence

   – Using emotional intelligence at work

  • Working with more than one manager

Module VI: Developing as a professional

  • Leadership skills:

             – Knowing and accepting yourself as a leader

             – Delegation necessity & technique

  • Making things happen from anywhere in the organization
  • Criticism:

             – Painless methods for giving corrective feedback

             – Best practices for delivering positive feedback

Module VII: Essential Skills

  • Microsoft PowerPoint You›ll learn to:

               – Create a slideshow

     o Format fonts, paragraphs, bullets, and text boxes

     o Use custom animation, slide transitions, and effects

     o Use graphics, sound, and on-screen navigation.

     o Prepare a slideshow for live presentations and kiosk

  • Microsoft Excel You’ll learn to:

             – Formulas and Functions

             – Math and Trigonometry Functions

             – Statistical Functions

             – Date and Time Functions

             – Text Functions

             – Conditional Formatting



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