With a mandate to develop the human capital in the banking sector, EBI excels in providing state-of-the-art training solutions in line with the latest industry international best practices in the areas of Banking, Management, Leadership, Information Technology, and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Furthermore, trainings are offered in various modalities; either In-Class, Experiential, E-Learning, Virtual or Blended format, to to ensure every adult learner access information at convenience.

We envision a world where anyone, anywhere can transform their life by accessing the best learning experience. Browse our below training offerings and start your learning journey now…

Banking and Finance

This course is designed to explain the ISO 20022 payment XML messages from the business point of view to remittance specialist, clarifying the use of the new pacs.008 and pacs.009 and their related messages adjusted by the CBPR+ in remittance activities.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 15 Hours. The program starts on February 11, 2024. Last day to register is February 1, 2024

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موضوع الدورة هو التعريف بأحكام الشيك، اركانه، انواعه ودورة تحصيله. والاتجاهات الحديثة لها كالتحصيل بالصورة وتكييفها القانوني، كما يتم التعريف بالاتجاهات الحديثة لإصدار الشيك في صورة إلكترونيه) الشيك الإلكتروني(، التعريف بمواصفات الشيك المعيارية ووسائل التحقق من سلامة الشيك ، يتم استعراض هذه الجوانب من منظور المتعاملين المباشرين بالشيكات والعملاء ،عموما والمصرفيين خصوصا

اسلوب التدريب: بقاعات التدريب

مدة البرنامج: 15 ساعة.يبدأ البرنامج يوم 10 فبراير. اخر موعد للتسجيل يوم 4 فبراير 2024

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Emerging economies need new infrastructure. Are banks able to fund these types of projects given certain internal compliance regulations such as Environmental, Sustainable and Governments (ESG) requirements? Roads, airports, schools, higher education, hospitals, prison services and housing to name but a few. The COVID19 pandemic has illustrated to us how inadequate many of our medical facilities (hospitals, laboratories) and digital networks are in coping with the fallout of the pandemic.

Training Modality: Virtual

Program Duration: 32 Hours. The program starts on February 21, 2024. Last day to register is February 4, 2024

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This four-day training course prepares the candidates thoroughly for the exam. Each training session consists of a short introduction about a core exam subject after which the candidates will be given the opportunity to test the acquired knowledge by answering exam questions that are comparable to those incorporated in the official exam. The trainers will thoroughly elaborate on every question by addressing every alternative, right or wrong. The course comes with a e-learning tool with, amongst others, over 500 practice questions and an exam simulator. The students are asked to use this tool to prepare for each course day and can use it to prepare for the exam.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 48 Hours. The program starts on February 16, 2024. Last day to register is February 8, 2024

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تم تصميم شهادة المحامي المصرفي من أجل تطوير كفاءات المحامين العاملين في الجهاز المصرفي ليكونوا على علم بأهداف وأدوار إدارة الشئون القانونية وعلاقتها بالإدارات والفروع الأخرى في الجهاز المصرفي والهيئات الخارجية. كما سيكتسب المحامون المعارف المختلفة عن العمليات المصرفية من الناحية القانونية، بالإضافة إلى تحديد القوانين المتعلقة بالعمل المصرفي.

اسلوب التدريب: بقاعات التدريب

مدة البرنامج: 168 ساعة.يبدأ البرنامج يوم 17 فبراير. اخر موعد للتسجيل يوم 8 يناير 2024

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صمم هذا البرنامج ليقدم اساسيات محاسبة التكاليف من حيث التعريفات والمبادئ والتبويبات العامة لمحاسبة التكاليف وكذلك بيئة نظام التكاليف والعوامل التي تؤثر على ادائه وكذلك طرق اعداد قوائم التكاليف الصناعية لتحديد تكلفه الوحدة المنتجة وقوائم الدخل وأثرها في تحديد ربحية المنشأة خلال الفترة المحاسبية

اسلوب التدريب: بقاعات التدريب

مدة البرنامج: 16 ساعة. يبدأ البرنامج يوم 17 فبراير. اخر موعد للتسجيل يوم 8 يناير 2024

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July 2023, ICC. Paris updated the ISBP 821 also category 7 swift messages were updated

on Nov. 2023. This “expert level” two days training course is designed to explain only the differences between the newly updated above mentioned two publications and the previous versions.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 6 Hours. The program starts on February 18, 2024. Last day to register is February 18, 2024

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يعتبر التحقيق من الامور التي نصت عليه كافة القوانين واللوائح المنظمة لمخالفات العاملين بكافة المؤسسات التي تتبع الدولة أو القطاع الخاص، ولا يتم التحقيق الا بعد وقوع المخالفة أو اكتشافها، والهدف من التحقيق الوصول الي الحقيقة والبحث عن أدلة ثبوت الوقائع المنسوبة الي المخالف المحال الي التحقيق واتاحة الفرصة له في الدفاع عن نفسه ودرء الاتهامات الموجهة اليه. وبذلك فان التحقيق هو تقصي الحقائق ومعرفة الاخطاء وأسبابها والتحقيق من مدي صحتها في حق الموظف وذلك وصولا لإيجاد العلاج الموضوعي لردع

العامل، وقد أوجبت كافة التشريعات التي تنظم مخالفات العاملين اجراء تحقيق معهم.

اسلوب التدريب: تعلم عن بعد

مدة البرنامج: 12 ساعة. يبدأ البرنامج يوم 24 فبراير. اخر موعد للتسجيل يوم 11 يناير 2024

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تم تصميم هذا البرنامج لزيادة الاساسيات العلمية والمهارات العملية التي تحقق الهدف الأساسي من المحاسبة الادارية وهو اعداد وتجهيز البيانات والمعلومات للاستخدام من جانب الادارة في عملية اتخاذ القرارات المتعلقة بالتخطيط والرقابة وقياس وتقويم الاداء وذلك من خلال التركيز على المفاهيم الاساسية للمحاسبة الادارية والمتعلقة بتحليل التكلفة وتحليل العلاقة بين التكلفة والحجم والربح وتحليل المفاهيم التكليفية الملائمة والمرتبطة بعملية اتخاذ القرار

اسلوب التدريب: بقاعات التدريب

مدة البرنامج: 16 ساعة. يبدأ البرنامج يوم 3 فبراير. اخر موعد للتسجيل يوم 22 فبراير 2024

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Performance & Management Development 

Project Management in practice skills is becoming one of the most important groups of skills that is highly needed by contemporary management, as even non-project businesses tend to be projected to ensure the achievement of objectives with high efficiency.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 32 Hours. The program starts on February 4, 2024. Last day to register is January 28, 2024

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Six Sigma is a step-by-step process of statistical tools and interventions, with the help of which companies can interpret the business processes requiring attention, find the root cause of problems, and sustain improvement gains. The Six Sigma Yellow Belt is the first step for people/professionals into the world of process improvement. Six Sigma Yellow Belt program is meant for those who wish to gain a basic understanding of Six Sigma and the phases of DMAIC, Define, Measure, Analyze, Measure, Control.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 30 Hours. The program starts on February 7, 2024. Last day to register is January 28, 2024

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Creativity allows individuals to view every aspect on the earth, explore new paths, as well as find new discoveries that help to advance our consistently thriving world of business. Without creativity, we would only see what is visible to the eye. To evolve as a business, it is critical to look beyond what is visible and consider new ideas. When creativity is incorporated into daily workplace practices there is a strong increase in the opportunities for growth, engagement, and productivity. Creativity and innovation will turn ideas and dreams into reality. This course will provide you with informative tools and practical strategies that will help shape a creative workplace. Creativity plays a big role in building a positive work environment, one in which employees will feel confident in expressing their ideas. Be mindful that there is creativity in all of us. When this creativity emerges, powerful opportunities and advancements will happen.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 8 Hours. The program starts on February 6, 2024. Last day to register is January 31, 2024

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This program will help you understand and apply Agile values, principles, frameworks, and practices to build a future-ready enterprise. You will learn how to adapt to the changing business environment and the ever-changing business conditions lead an agile organization apply the key Agile concepts in your day-to-day operations and develop with your team the right flow of work that will get you moving. You will also discover the benefits and challenges of Agile methodology and how to use it effectively in your context. This program is designed for anyone who wants to understand and embrace business agility and innovation in their work.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 16 Hours. The program starts on February 7, 2024. Last day to register is January 31, 2024

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This course is designed to Identify effective Employee Value Proposition approach about how to retain employees through offering effective components.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 12 Hours. The program starts on February 12, 2024. Last day to register is February 4, 2024

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Information Technology

The ISO 22301 identifies the fundamentals of Business Continuity Management (BCM) and provides a basis for implementing a world-class Business Continuity Management System within any organization. This 3-day 22301 Training provides an intensive and comprehensive learning experience for those wishing to understand in great depth the fine details of the ISO 22301 and its relation with Operational Resilience Training methodologies include power-point-based classroom lectures, group discussions, and individual/group exercises based on a case studies, and videos.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 24 Hours. The program starts on February 4, 2024. Last day to register is January 25, 2024

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Digital disruption is having an increasing impact throughout all industries. Banking faces challenges from all sides in these trying times. This course provides a solid introduction to digital and transformation frameworks. Starting from first principles, we approach digital from several different perspectives, providing foundational cultural and technical knowledge that will enable delegates to gain a sound knowledge of the challenges generated by this digital transformation. We will also assess digital strategies, which will enable us to identify those organizations that are executing strategies that offer the highest probability of success, namely FinTech’s, GAFA, NATU and BATX. We will also debate on the challenges brought by digital payments and crypto moneys; and how governments and banks are tackling it, most specifically with Central Bank Digital Currencies.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 8 Hours. The program starts on February 7, 2024. Last day to register is January 28, 2024

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Master PowerPoint essentials: work with slides, add diverse content, format effectively, utilize text boxes, tables, and design principles. Canva complements with advanced design features, ensuring visually stunning presentations.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 16 Hours. The program starts on February 11, 2024. Last day to register is February 1, 2024

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This workshop offers a comprehensive exploration of ChatGPT, covering fundamental concepts, practical usage, brainstorming techniques, writing styles, and comparisons with human interaction. Participants will learn how to effectively utilize ChatGPT for various applications, including creative content generation and future innovations in AI conversation. The course emphasizes hands-on learning with practical exercises to enhance proficiency.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 8 Hours. The program starts on February 13, 2024. Last day to register is February 4, 2024

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This course covers the various methods and best practices that are in line with business and technical requirements for modeling, visualizing, and analyzing data with Power BI. The course will show how to access and process data from a range of data sources including both relational and non-relational sources. Finally, this course will also discuss how to manage and deploy reports and dashboards for sharing and content distribution.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 32 Hours. For the round conducted in Nasr City premises, the program starts on February 18, 2024 and last day to register is February 8, 2024

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For the round conducted in Mohandeseen premises, the program starts on March 3, 2024 and last day to register is February 25, 2024

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Become an expert flowcharter with the customizable tools of Microsoft Visio 2016. Easily create a professional- looking visual product by using its extensive gallery of shapes. By following the exercises in this course, you will create visually engaging diagrams, maps, and drawings using graphical elements to make information easier to comprehend.

Training Modality: In-Class

Program Duration: 16 Hours. The program starts on February 25, 2024. Last day to register is February 15, 2024

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For further information, contact us on 15200
Sundays through Thursdays, from 9 am to 5 pm
or email us at contactus@ebi3.acs-egypt.com