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[/geot_filter]The Assessment Services Department was founded in 2015 by the Egyptian Banking Institute with an aim of supporting and developing the human resources capital in the banking sector. We are committed to ensure our premium and unbiased assessment services adds value to organizations and develop human capital using the latest assessment tools and technology with outstanding level of quality and professionalism.

The Assessment Services Department provides organizations with an ultimate tool for talent management through measuring employees’ competencies. We can help you hire the right people, recognize and develop talented individuals and build leaders

What makes us different?

  • Developing the ultimate assessment process for your organization through our highly qualified & certified assessors
  • Partnering with leading assessment tool providers globally, supporting organizations in identifying the next generation of top talent
  • Measuring accurately the technical qualifications of banking and financial professionals through comprehensive Test Bank assessments to leverage their strategic self-awareness
  • Offering a professional assessment environment through state-of-the-art facilities and labs designed to contribute to an individual’s learning and progress
  • Offering consultation services to member banks and providing advice on developmental paths of employees as well as creating business focused solutions.


Assessment Services Portfolio

  • Assessments for Hiring
  • Assessments for Promotions
  • Assessments for Development
    • High Potential Leaders Identification
    • Succession Planning
    • Talent Management


Assessment Tools:

Client’s needs are thoroughly studied before project initiation, to ensure the quality and accuracy of our tools and service results, noting that they can be conducted in Arabic or English according to the client’s preference. Our assessment tools consist of Technical & Behavioral Assessments.


Technical Assessment

  • Technical Tests Center
    • Conducting several technical knowledge exams designed to assess the candidate’s functional, operational and general banking knowledge. The exams differ according to the nominee’s functional role (banking and non-banking functions) and management level starting from junior positions to the high management roles.
  • English Language Assessments
    • In cooperation with market-leading services providers, we provide English assessment exams which assess the proficiency of the four English skills (Reading – Listening – Speaking – Writing) for either general English language or business English language through a group of exams which are characterized by flexibility to tailor exams based on clients needed skills, short examination timing maintaining the accuracy and quality of the test in addition to fast result outcomes and reports.
    • Now, with EBI, you can schedule your LinguaSkill fully proctored exam with our solutions for online remote assessments. Linguaskill is a quick and convenient online test that will help you check the English levels of individuals and groups of candidates. It combines the latest technology with the reliability and quality you expect from Cambridge. Linguaskill tests all four language skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening. Register Now!
    • Exam Modules:LinguaSkill Reading & Listening: The Reading and Listening module is adaptive, so there is not a fixed number of questions. Each question the candidate answers helps the computer to understand their level better. The test finishes when the candidate has answered enough questions for Linguaskill to identify their level accurately. Duration of the exam is about 60–85 minutes and consists of a variable number of questions.LinguaSkill Writing: The Writing module asks candidates to input answers using a computer keyboard. Answers are marked automatically by the computer. Results will be available within 12 hours. Duration of the exam is 45 minutes and consists of 2 writing questions.LinguaSkill Speaking: The Speaking module is taken using a computer with a microphone and headphones. Questions are presented to the candidate through the computer screen and headphones, and their responses are recorded and assessed by examiners. Results will be available within 48 hours. Duration of the exam is 15 minutes and consists of 5 speaking questions.
  • Basic Computer skills test
    • This test involves assessing the basic skills of the computer, that is through hands on practice assessments which measure the candidate ability to use the following applications: Word, Excel, Power point, Outlook.


Behavioral Assessment

  • Psychometric Questionnaires
    • The standard, legitimate, logical and scientific method used to measure the behavioral traits and candidates’ suitability for a specific job. Psychometric tools are used in the recruitment process and for training purposes to make selection and engagement experiences better. Familiarizing oneself with these tests will help in a superior, quicker and precise decision-making. These tools include Hogan Assessments & Hogan 360°
  • Ability Tests
    • Checking an individual’s ability to perform a certain kind of job. The test focuses on Numerical Ability, Analytical Thinking, Logical Reasoning and Critical Thinking, such as Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory (HRBI).
  • Simulation Exercises
    • A group of processes where candidates are examined to determine their suitability for specific types of employment. This method is used in the field of psychology to observe, describe, explain, predict and sometimes correct behavior, such as Role-plays, Presentation analysis, Group Discussion and Competency based interviews.


Partners in Success

Our achievements

The success of any organization depends on the people who work in it; therefore, it is crucial for businesses to hire the right employees. With our Assessment tools, we offer you an exact picture of your organizations’ performance and its employees. Our assessments tools are reliable, accurate and unbiased to help workplaces identify and develop talented leaders, boost employee engagement, and drive business results.