In light of the current changes in the global and regional markets, increasing the interest in implementing sound governance practices, and launching of the corporate governance regulations in August, 2011 by the Central Bank of Egypt, the Egyptian Banking Institute as the training arm for the Central Bank of Egypt established a specialized unit to provide high quality services for the banking and finical sectors and other sectors who aspire to apply or enhance their corporate governance practices.
Training Services
Corporate Governance unit designs and delivers a variety of training programs and workshops on governance and other related topics such as Board Practices, Disclosure and Transparency, and Control Environment. Moreover, the unit designs special training programs/services for each organization based on its governance training needs analysis which we can provide.
Essentials of Bank Governance
Program Duration: 12 hours
Program Description
In this course, participants will acquire the skills and knowledge to explain the essentials and principles of governance of banks based on the governance instructions issued from the Central Bank of Egypt on 5th of July 2011, and based also on the international best practices from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Global Corporate Governance Forum (GCGF). Participants will also explain the key elements to structure an effective governance framework.
.Advisory Services
The Corporate Governance unit provides the financial and non-financial organizations with a number of advisory services such as the assessment of governance practices, as well as providing assistance in implementing sound governance practices.
Awareness Sessions
The Corporate Governance unit provides financial and non-financial organizations with seminars and round tables on all the topics related to corporate governance .
For further inquiries about Corporate Governance service, Kindly contact us through:
Email: corporategovernance@ebi3.acs-egypt.com
Mobile: 02 01000053974