EBI provides a wide range of diversified publications and activities to disseminate knowledge and raise awareness on latest industry trends.



With an aim of increasing public awareness, EBI delivers a series of publications covering a wide range of important topics and trends of strategic relevance to the Egyptian Banking and financial Sector, including but not limited to:


EBI’s magazine website that discusses the latest news & developments in the banking sector and sharing opinion articles and dialogues

Research Papers 

Important and recent financial and banking topics reviewed and judged by distinguished practitioners and academic experts

Current Trends

Covers the most recent international banking trends that are impacting the banking industry, highlighting its importance and shedding the light on the international organizations’ best practices at each of those trends.


All subscribers to EBI’s library can request borrowing a book/ report for certain topics via: library@ebi3.acs-egypt.com and within 48 working hours, we will get back to you with its availability and the terms and conditions.

*Click here to see the list of available books


Organizing a wide range of specialized events such as annual conferences, seminars, workshops and awareness sessions, with the aim of discussing the latest topics and trends of interest to the banking and financial sectors’ professionals and experts in the presence of international experts to share their global expertise.

Innovation Competition

EBI launched “Innovation Competition” to encourage bankers to present and develop their visions and innovative solutions in the financial and banking sector to tackle challenges facing the industry, and drive the future of banking through fostering innovation. The competition is designed to cope with the changing dynamics within the banking sector influenced by digitization and Fintech technologies.